Sunday, 27 April 2008

Oh What a Night

A big thank you to Lindsey for all her hard work and for making it a great night for the residents and staff, not sure yet how much was raised but im sure Lindsey will post on here the amount.
Alyson X

We raised £2oo to go to our residents comfort funds. A big thankyou to everyone who helped us. Marsh Green labour Club who let us have the room free of charge. Jerry who come along and sang for us everyone really enjoyed him. Terry who helped me with karaoke. Rita who went round with raffle tickets. Alyson, Jean, Jackie and Lesley for bringing some of our residents along. A big thankyou to everyone who turned up on the night. It was a night worth having.

A really big thank you to everyone involved in making Friday night a big success, what a great team we have!

Joy Hogarth


Lot of fun, lot of laughs, everyone had a good time, well done Lindsey.

Love Jean X

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Well done Lindsey.

Love Alyson X